What is Art Therapy?
Kent Art Therapy

Mixed Media Art Exhibition
Social Justice and Art Psychotherapy: Arts psychotherapists respond to critical social justice themes
At Canterbury Christ Church University Chapel, 1-24 November 2016
Featuring work by - Lucy Bruty, Marybeth Haas, Ezme Le Feuvre, Josie Mahoney, Tracie Peisley, Lisa Royal, Heather Simmons, Karen Wright (with Helen Buck)
In 2014 this group of art psychotherapists worked with Dr Toni Wright from the England Centre for Practice Development, Faculty of Health and Wellbeing, Canterbury Christ Church University on a project focusing on the importance of critical social justice to their practice and by extension the impact that has in sustaining good mental health for service users and wider communities. Take a look at some of the work featured in the exhibtion.